
PPIS is a daily information service providing updates on Pakistan's upstream exploration activities. It has a history of providing vital information to the E & P industry. A specialized team devotes hours to compile, process, design, upload and maintain this site. The service also includes hard copy versions consisting of monthly reports and attractive , large scale Maps.
The contract for the establishment, management & operations of Pakistan Petroleum Exploration and Production Repository (PPEPDR) was executed between DGPC and LMK Resources on 8th November, 2001 after competitive bidding and has been re-awarded to LMKR for the next five years starting 2016 to 2020. Under this contract, a modern facility was established and is being maintained by LMKR to retrieve, restore, copy, load data into PetroBank (a National Data Center technology widely used around the Globe), host online data, and market data to E&P; companies in order to promote the exploration & production activities in Pakistan. With this state-of-the-art facility data is available to companies within three working days, contrary to the times before when it took months to provide technical information to prospective companies. Besides the revenues, DGPC has been able to get 50 terabytes of data stored on international standards from 30 different operators without any direct cost.
Successful execution of this project has impacted Pakistan’s Oil & Gas sector through:
More effective and safe data trading
Data management by partner at no direct cost to DGPC (with profit sharing mechanism)
Quality assured data and Fast data distribution
Promoted Pakistan image in the international market
Establishment of E-Rooms at local & international level for block evaluation and licensing rounds
Provision of real time data access to E&P companies
Technically & financially empowered regulatory body
Security of confidential data
Audit & transparency
A state of the art data management solution and setup
Development of local Pakistani geoscientists
Effective monitoring of the E&P sector
Timely & effective retrieval of data from oil companies
Directorate General of Petroleum Concessions is one of the Directorates of the Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division) functioning as the Regulatory authority for all Upstream Exploration & Production activities in Pakistan.
LMKR is a petroleum technology company with an extensive solutions portfolio that includes reservoir-centric interpretation, modeling and analytics software, mobile technology solutions, E&P; data services as well as geoscience and information management consulting solutions - all focused towards lowering the risk associated with exploration and production of conventional and unconventional resource plays.